About Dr. Frogmore

From: Dr. Frogmore, the self-made, world-renowned famous scientist —

We were a family of adventurers. Everyone - my wife and two children, my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins, loved picnicking, walking through fields, climbing mountains, swimming in oceans and lakes - took exotic expeditions around the world to experience the wonder of nature, yet nature turned against us and EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY -- EVERYONE I TELL YOU, my wife, my two children, my parents, all my aunts, were killed by the deadly reptiles, insects, snakes and sea creatures we encountered – all eaten alive, bit, stung or poisoned to death. Even eating a patch of harmless looking mushrooms killed my sweet kids. HORROR AFTER HORROR. Because of this, I have dedicated my life to identifying all creatures and things in the wild that can kill you.

 “BE SAFE.” That’s the goal of Frogmore Enterprises.